Sunday, June 2, 2013

Where Are You Summer?

I feel like my life is just one big mess right now. I know those are strong words, and in reality my life is far from being an actual mess, but because I have been so busy lately I just feel like I don't have any time to keep up with myself. I haven't even had time to make my bed lately. I am just exhausted all the time, and I need summer more than ever! I can always tell when I am busy and stressed out, my room starts to get really messy. When I am pressed for time in my life the first thing that flies out the window is my neatness. It's unfortunate because when I feel like I am a mess who has time for nothing, and then I walk into my pigsty of a room it makes me feel even MORE of a mess.
Another factor here is that I am living in two places at once. Don't get me wrong, I am SOOO incredibly lucky to have such wonderful "parents" who let me live with them during the week so that I don't have to commute, but it is exhausting to pack my bags and lunches every week. I constantly have things in bags, and my stuff is just everywhere. I desperately need summer to get here! We have two more weeks left of school, and it just can't come soon enough! I can't wait to wake up without an alarm!! And to feel like I have all the time in the world :)

In other news... I still have not heard wether or not I got the apartment I shared with you in my last post. I am hoping to find out within the next two weeks, so continue to keep your fingers crossed for me!


  1. We started summer a couple weeks ago and only today did I get my house back in shape! Hang in there friend! You are almost there and things will get better! Such exciting life changes happening for you, it will all be worth the "mess!" :)

  2. A couple weeks ago?!?!?!?! Geez!!!!!! Totally jealous of you! Although I am extremely excited for what's coming :) we gotta hang out this summer!! Thanks for reading my blog :)
